
Which Countries Led in Carbon Emissions in 2025? The Top 10 List

Carbon emissions refer to the release of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These are basically as a result of the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Carbon emissions are one of the huge causes of global warming and climate change. Because they trap the heat and disrupt the natural climate balance of the Earth. 

Big sources include industrial processes, transportation, deforestation and the production of energy. Industrial heavyweights with a high reliance on fossil fuels are big high carbon emitting countries. With the whole world attempting to combat climate change, it is crucial to understand which nations emit the highest amount. Now let’s see the top 10 carbon emitting countries of 2025 and who is leading.

List of Top 10 Countries With Higher Carbon Emission:

CountryCarbon Emissions per CapitaCarbon Emissions Total (Million MtCO2e)
United States15.045,007.33
Saudi Arabia19.03672.38
Korea Rep12.01616.06

Dharshini RDA

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