
Over 40% of Gen Z and Millennials have or plan to change jobs over climate change.

A big company called Deloitte asked over 22,800 young people from 44 countries what they think about climate change and jobs. These young people are called Gen-Z (born 1995-2005) and Millennials (born 1983-1994). The study found some interesting things about how these age groups feel about the environment and work.

Many Young Workers Leave Jobs Because of Climate Worries

“More than 4 out of 10 young people said they have left their jobs or plan to leave due to being troubled about how work affects the environment. That’s up from a year ago, indicating that more young people are now thinking about this.”

Many of them also expressed the fact that they now check what companies are doing for the environment before accepting a job. They would want to work for companies that care for their planet.

Youth Seek Jobs with a Purpose

In the survey, a job with a meaning is super important to young workers. Almost 9 out of 10 said it matters a lot to their happiness at work. Half of Gen Z and 4 out of 10 Millennials said no to work projects even when it didn’t suit their beliefs. This could be because the work might hurt the environment or wasn’t fair to some people.

What Young Workers Want Companies to Do

Young people in the poll felt that companies had the following responsibilities to the environment: 

  • Teach their workers to be greener in their work
  • Give money to their workers to make greener decisions
  • Make the offices more environmentally friendly

More than half of young people said they try to get their workplace to do more about climate change  They also think the government should push companies harder to help the Planet.

Why It Mattered

This poll is clear evidence that youth are worried about climate change. Big choices on where to work and what to buy are being driven by what’s good for the planet. This might finally grab the attention of firms and governments that wish to keep young workers happy and have young folks buy their wares.

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Seggie Jonas

Seggie has an innate affinity for stories. She lets her curious mind take the front seat, helping her uncover an event's past developments and potential future routes through ethical means. If not a writer, she would have been a globetrotter or a pet-sitter!

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