
Oktoberfest: Climate change threatening German beer industry. But this plant nursery could give a solution

Germany’s beer industry may have found a solution to battle the climate change issue that has been causing headaches to the owners and stakeholders. The solution, a plant nursery called our kindergarten located at the Society of Hop Research north of the city of Munich. 

The nursery is home to 7000 seedlings comprising new varieties that sprouted from research, education, and centuries old German traditions in hops farming and beer brewing. The set up has been done in the hope that the plants will grow to be 7-8 metres long and have strength enough to withstand storms, temperatures, droughts, and diseases like the dreaded powdery mildew.

The stages and process of growing the plants are now being incorporated in the education systems in universities and vocational training institutions, breweries and farms across Germany. 

The seedlings’ success or failures could determine the fate of the country’s Hallertau’s region. The Hallertau is the only place consisting of large plantations of Hop that is the prime ingredient of beer. 

The researchers hope that the specially bred crops become strong enough to withstand the wraiths of nature’s extreme weather events and be less prone to diseases giving a new hope to the tensed industry. 

Education and research are gaining more importance in the German brewery industry. Special programmes have been started by the Society of Hop Research to apprenticeship programs and the Master Brewer Diploma. These have been giving a proper direction to the beer industry of Germany along with laying the foundations for further innovation and research to bring back the traditional tastes of German lagers and ales.

Ana Varghese

Ana is an accomplished writer with a passion for storytelling. Her words have the power to captivate and inspire, drawing readers into worlds both familiar and fantastical. With a knack for crafting compelling narratives, she weaves tales that linger in the imagination long after the last page is turned.

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