
Natural, chemicals, pest control: a step-by-step guide to get rid of bed bugs

Bedbugs are tiny insects that like to hide in beds and bite people while they sleep. Getting rid of them can be tricky, but there are ways to do it. Let’s look at some methods to kick these bugs out of your home.

Clean Your Bed

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Take Off the Sheets

First, take all the sheets off your bed. Put them straight into a plastic bag to stop bugs from spreading. Wash the sheets in boiling water for at least 30 minutes. Then dry them on high heat for another 30 minutes. This kills the bugs.

Vacuum Everything

Use a vacuum cleaner on your mattress, bed frame, and the area around your bed. This sucks up any bugs or eggs. After vacuuming, put the vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag and throw it away outside.

Cover Your Mattress

Buy special covers for your mattress and box spring. These covers zip up tight and trap any bugs inside. They also stop new bugs from getting in. This makes it easier to spot bugs and prevent them from hiding.

Use Heat or Cold

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Hot Water Works

Washing things in very hot water kills bedbugs. The water needs to be at least 113°F (45°C) for 90 minutes, or 118°F (47.8°C) for 20 minutes.

Freezing Can Help

Putting small items in a freezer for 8-10 hours might kill bedbugs. But home freezers might not be cold enough, so this doesn’t always work.

Chemical Treatments

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Store-Bought Sprays

You can buy bedbug sprays at stores. But be careful – these can be dangerous if you use them wrong. Always read the instructions and make sure the spray is meant for bedbugs.

What Not to Use

Don’t use “bug bombs” or foggers. These don’t work well on bedbugs and can be dangerous. They might even spread the bugs around more.

Call the Experts

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When to Get Help

If you’ve tried everything and still have bedbugs, it’s time to call a pest control expert. They have stronger chemicals and know how to use them safely.

Finding a Good Pest Controller

Look for a pest control company that’s licensed. You can check the Pest World website to find good ones near you.

Prevent Bedbugs from Coming Back

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Check When Traveling

When you stay in hotels, look for signs of bedbugs. Check the bed and furniture carefully.

Be Careful with Used Furniture

If you buy used furniture, check it very well before bringing it home. Bedbugs like to hide in furniture.

Clean After Trips

When you come back from a trip, wash all your clothes in hot water right away. Clean your suitcase too, just in case.

Remember, getting rid of bedbugs can take time and effort. But with patience and the right methods, you can make your home bug-free again!

READ MORE : Bed bugs are a menace. Check out top tips to prevent or control an infestation

Seggie Jonas

Seggie has an innate affinity for stories. She lets her curious mind take the front seat, helping her uncover an event's past developments and potential future routes through ethical means. If not a writer, she would have been a globetrotter or a pet-sitter!

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