Ireland Donates $16 Million to Support Brazil’s Amazon Fund in Fight Against Deforestation

Ireland has made a vital environmental contribution by donating 15 million euros ($16.3 million) to the Amazon Fund of Brazil, focusing on the largest tropical rainforest. The money will be given out over three years and it will be Ireland’s first ever donation to this fund. The fund, which is supervised by Brazil’s development bank, is meant to prevent and monitor deforestation while promoting sustainable development all around the Amazon forest.
With this new contribution, the Amazon Fund has eight donor countries. Ireland joins with the other countries that have helped with the Amazon Fund including Norway, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Switzerland and Japan. The Amazon Fund has already invested in 123 projects, worth $534.6 million, to fight deforestation and to promote the sustainability of the environment.
This announcement was made following Ireland’s contribution to the Amazon Fund in a meeting between Brazil’s Environment Minister, Marina Silva and Ireland’s Minister for Transport, Sean Canney in Sao Paulo. Silva welcomed Ireland’s input, applauding the importance of international partnerships in protecting the Amazon. The continued support from this fund is necessary to combat the very serious impacts of deforestation and ensure the survival of the Amazon and its biodiversity.