Germany needs to reduce its carbon footprint despite strong progress: Let us understand

Germany has made a lot of progress in reducing its carbon footprint in recent years. The country’s electricity generation last year is its cleanest in history as clean energy accounted for the majority of the mix.
This shift is part of a longer trend that has seen Germany reduce its emissions from electricity generation since 2014 by 50%. This is thanks to a rise in green energy and a fall in coal-based energy. Reductions are seen across many sectors. Let us understand further.
Germany’s reduction of greenhouse gas emissions stagnated last year or around a similar time. Though they fell by 3% to reach major decline, the fall has been considerably less than the 10% noted in the year before.
Nonetheless, despite the progress Germany has made so far, it remains one of the biggest carbon emitters globally. Home to just more than 1% of the planet’s population, Germany’s residents emitted a considerable amount of GHGs recently.