Richest 1% use up fair share of carbon budget 2025 in just 10 days

Just 10 days into the year, the richest one percent population on Earth has already used up its fair share of the global carbon budget for 2025. The elite category has already caused 2.1 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, on average, as per Oxfam GB.
It has been reported that someone from the poorest 50% of humanity is going to need at least three years to produce the same amount of pollution. That’s a big difference. Carbon emissions are generated from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil.
This greenhouse gas accumulating in the atmosphere has a serious insulating effect. It doesn’t let heat reaching the planet from the sun from being radiated back into space. The result is the ongoing rise in global temperatures across the globe.
The EU’s CCCS confirmed on Friday that last year represented the first time that global heating exceeded the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit set by the Paris agreement. Rising temperatures are causing habitat loss, food insecurity, glacier loss and a host of other effects.