10 fun facts on mangroves – nature’s best defence against climate change

Mangroves are special type of trees that grow in the soil dual to the coastal line. It established they are hard-stemming plants that can stand salty water and muddy soils. Here are the 10 interesting facts regarding these wonder trees!
1. They Are Expert Water Filters
Mangroves can be referred to as mother nature’s water purification system. The roots of the plants interweave and this captures all the dirt and the other materials in water that may be averse to the life of fishes and other sea creatures.
2. Roosting Place for so Many Animals
What the mangrove looks like is indeed like an underwater city. Every kind of animal many times can be met here, for example, coloured Fish, different crabs, shrimps and a few Birds. The roots help create some safe areas where the baby fish can grow.
3. Natural Storm Barriers
During big storms, mangroves act just like a giant shield. Their strong roots and thick leaves help to slow down strong winds and big waves, protecting the land and people living near the coast.
4. Carbon Capture Champions
Mangroves are the superheroes in the fight against climate change. They suck up loads of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it in leaves, branches, and even in gooey mud around the roots.
5. They Can Drink Salty Water
Compared to most trees, which cannot take too much salty water, mangroves are quite different. They have methods for filtering out the salt or extra salt excreted from the leaves. It’s almost as if they have a built-in purifier of water within the system!
6. Mangroves Make Their Own Land
Over time, mangroves can even create land. Their roots trap mud and sand, building up the ground around them. It’s as if they were creating their islands!
7. They’re Great at Holding Their Breath
Mangroves grow through mud which holds little oxygen. The answer to this predicament for some mangroves is that they grow special roots, just like snorkels, which stick up out of the mud. This helps them breathe even when the tide comes in.
8. Mangrove Seeds Are World Travelers
The mangrove seeds can swim in water for a very long time when they are ripe. They thus move to a new place, far from the parent tree, and grow. It’s like they’re going on some sort of sea adventure!
9. They’re Super Important to People Too
Many people living near mangroves depend on them both for food and jobs. The forests fill their bellies with fish for food and their homes with wood. They also draw in some tourists to see the unique wildlife.
10. Mangroves Are Older Than Dinosaurs
Mangroves have been around for so long—longer than dinosaurs! Scientists think they first appeared about 114 million years ago. That’s a long time!
Protecting Our Mangrove Superheroes
Mangroves are truly wonderful trees that do so much to help our planet. The trees clean the water, protect the coasts, provide a home to animals, and even fight climate change. But many mangrove forests are in danger because of pollution and people cutting them down.
These are very special trees that need caring for. Saving mangroves saves our planet, keeping it safe and healthy for all living organisms—including ourselves!
READ MORE : Climate change mitigation in the limelight: UAE deepens focus on mangroves and sustainable finance