Nude food is a huge topic lately. Check out tips to prepare nude food lunches

The thing about food is it doesn’t need to be complicated. It just needs to provide enough energy. Single-serve, individually packaged bags of processed food are convenient. But they take energy to produce, energy to dispose of and don’t provide adequate nutrition too.
Nude foods can be a solution. They are a huge topic at the moment. Essentially, nude food is simply food devoid of foil, plastic or commercial packaging. Promoting nude food helps people think about their carbon footprint and eat healthy.
The more natural and less processed the food, the better – think vegetables, fruits, salads and homemade noodles. That might sound tedious but the right tips can make you believe that nude foods are quite an appealing solution. Read on for more details.
To pack a nude food lunch:
You need –
1. Cutlery from home is better than single-use plastics
2. Plastic or metal drink bottles are recommended
3. Reusable containers for putting all of your food
4. Lunch boxes that have several separate sections can be useful to avoid lost lids or containers
You don’t need –
1. Packaged food
2. Single use plastic spoons or forks
3. Single serve yogurts or similar items
4. Zip lock or plastic bags or aluminium foil
Top tips to pack nude food lunches conveniently:
1. Try to pack the lunches the night before and store in the refrigerator to avoid the rush in the morning.
2. If your child does enjoy chips, try to prepare vegie versions using sliced beetroot and other vegetables.
3. Use fruits and vegetables that are in the season. Seasonal produce don’t put a hole in your pocket and are friendly to the environment.
4. Try to involve the children in helping decide the ingredients. This is expected to help avoid uneaten food being tossed outside, plus can save your money too.
5. If your kid normally enjoys yoghurt and other prepackaged snacks, by these in a large format and decant these into smaller reusable containers or lunchboxes.
6. Remember to praise your child if they eat something healthy.