Does climate change affect fish species?

Climate change can cause environmental chaos, affecting fish species and ecosystem functionality. According to scientists, numerous species are shrinking in size because of
Researchers have discovered that climate change mostly affected fish species. Recently, an international team of scientists from 17 universities conducted a study to analyze climate change effects on fish species. The researchers compiled data on 4,292 mammals, invertebrates, fish, and reptiles, to study the effects of climate change on species.
Can climate change affect fish species?
According to various researchers, North Atlantic fish are becoming smaller in size because of the effects of climate change. The research has also revealed that smaller-bodied species like mackerel, different species of pelagic fish, are increasing in size. This shift in sizes can affect the functioning of ecosystems worldwide. It is important to note that climate change has already affected the environment, causing air pollution and water pollution.
The researchers have noted reduction in size in some plant and invertebrate species. On the other hand, plants in the Arctic have been increasing in size.
Reportedly, scientists are investigating the main causes behind these significant size changes of different species of fish. However, scientists and researchers have suggested that global heating and overconsumption might affect fish species.
Significant changes in fish species
Dr. Inªs Martins from York University, one of the researchers, expressed concern on fish species. She said that the most changes, due to climate change, were observed among fish. However, other organisms also appeared smaller in size.
Earlier this year, the World Bank, an international financial institution, said that climate change can cause some serious changes in the ocean. The World Bank reportedly said, “Ocean current patterns are affecting the nutrients needed for aquatic plants that nourish young fish.”
Experts also said that climate change can negatively affect fish populations. According to the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), an increase in water temperature has already impacted marine wildlife.
According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report, warming temperatures and climate change can affect marine life.
Last month, The New York Times said in a report that warmer seas could affect fish living in water. Tropical fish live in complex environments because of climate change.
Ana Carolina Luchiari, a fish biologist at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte in Natal, said that heat and warmer seas can kill fish. According to reports and experts, warmer water also affects memory in tropical fish.
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These research projects highlight the negative impact of climate change on fish species.