
Climate change taking a huge toll on ice hockey in Ladakh

The cold season is currently deep inside Ladakh. Temperatures during the day time are under -5 degrees Celsius and as the sun sets, temperatures often plunge under -20 degrees. Despite the cold, there is at least one thing exciting about this time.

It is the ice hockey time in Ladakh. The Karzoo Pond transforms into a field for one of the fastest team sports globally. Framed by the stunning glaciers and peaks of the Himalayas, Karzoo is among many ponds performing as potential training grounds.

But climate change is a big problem. This largely anthropogenic crisis is putting immense pressure on the hugely popular ice hockey in Ladakh situation. Things are changing rapidly. The ice is not forming as expected because of global heating.

Shrabani Panda

I hold a deep interest in politics, human rights and climate change. I let empathy take the front seat, preparing breaking pieces that spark discussions or prick one's curiosity. I'm all for reporting the important in the right manner. My journalism journey started during my college years as a Civil Engineering student. I became fond of art, shifting to my current career. I'm pursuing Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication, and aiming to bring a bigger change through my reports.

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