How AI Can Help Combat Climate Change. Enlisting Five Clues

Imagine yourself in a self-driving car, hands off the steering wheel and leisurely sipping the much-needed coffee. Did you know that you would be fighting climate change in the process? Some experts estimate self-driving cars will lower vehicle emissions by 50% by 2050.
Electric vehicles emit far fewer greenhouse emissions than their gas-guzzling counterparts. Moreover, self-driving cars are known to go a step further by also travelling the most efficient routes and expanding opportunities for ride-sharing.
Beyond reducing vehicle emissions, AI can also help meteorologists better forecast extreme weather events and allow farmers to grow crops more sustainably. But experts warn AI technologies consume significant amounts of water and energy, ultimately exacerbating climate change.
Five Ways AI Can Help Combat Climate Emergency
AI can make the sector cleaner and safer. They can minimise energy use by identifying the most efficient routes. Additionally, such technology can reduce accidents by communicating hazards between vehicles. In fact, self-driving cars are already on the road.
AI can analyse satellite imagery faster, allowing faster decision making. Greater access to information can help governments across the globe easily monitor environmental protection efforts and consumers better understand how their purchases impact the climate.
Urban Planning
AI-supported “smart cities” can help reduce resource waste by optimising energy and water use. At the same time, such technology can support disaster response by quickly processing information and directing resources to locations in need of most help.
Artificial intelligence can help scientists forecast heavy rainfall, tropical cyclones and other extreme events up to 99% accurately. Timelier and more precise predictions can help people better prepare for storms as well as minimise risks.
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Smart Agriculture
Farming is known to account for roughly 70% of all freshwater use globally. However, 40% of water in the sector is lost due to poor resource management. AI technology can reduce waste, a notable improvement as climate change threatens resources on the planet.