
Climate Change: Can Saudis Survive A 3°C Temperature Rise?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted this year’s Middle East and North Africa Climate Week from October 8 – 12. Meanwhile, a major “Climate Futures Report” highlighted the challenges the nation could experience amid a 3°C global temperature rise.

The study examined how Saudi Arabia is experiencing the climate crisis at a much faster pace than the rest of the world, potentially hurting ecosystems and stressing environments if action is not taken to counteract the brutal effects.

The report highlighted how a 3°C increase in temperature by the end of the century could result in reduced agricultural productivity, rising sea levels, intensified desertification, rise in heat-related health issues, and increased electricity demand for cooling.

No “Silver Bullet” To Tackle The Crisis

The 130-page “Climate Futures Report” is compiled by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Kaust), the Aeon Collective, a Saudi Arabian non-profit endowment fund, and the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre.

Prof Yoshihide Wada, a leading expert on water scarcity at Kaust and one of the authors of the report, said there is “no silver bullet” to solve the problem and that a multifaceted approach was needed from policy decisions to individual action such as ceasing food waste.

The study sought to highlight the challenge food production is facing. Saudi Arabia is known to grow crops that are water intensive, and each date palm in the country could use up to 300 litres of water every day. Currently, desalination provides 50% of the nation’s drinking water.

There Are Reasons To Stay Optimistic

The report also underscored the impact rising temperatures could have on coral bleaching and human health. Deteriorating air quality exacerbates respiratory problems and climate change might offer more favourable conditions for malaria and dengue, it noted.

Nonetheless, the study’s authors mentioned that hope still exists for the future. Many of the solutions remain within reach. The report suggests the implementation of environmental awareness campaigns and urging businesses to embrace sustainability.

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Saudi Arabia has been ramping up efforts to tackle the climate emergency. It is intensifying initiatives to achieve net-zero emissions by 2060, and announced the launch of a greenhouse gas-crediting and offsetting scheme at the MENA conference.

Marc Robs

Marc Robs, a dedicated advocate for sustainability, is more than just a climate change enthusiast. When he's not engaged in discussions about our planet's future, you can find him creatively remaking soap scraps and refurbishing old furniture. Marc's passion doesn't stop there; he's also a vocal supporter of strawless campaigns, pushing for eco-friendly choices in every facet of our lives.

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