US presidential election: Can Biden’s green policies actually help save 200,000 lives?

The green environmental policies of Joe Biden’s administration will save approx 200000 lives from dangerous pollution in the coming decades. It is being said that the renewable energy jobs would be on the rise due to this.
The first full year of the Inflation Reduction Act saw the passing of the Climate bill in 2022 by the Democratic Party votes in the Congress. The bill saw nearly 150000 clean energy jobs added according to a nonpartisan business group E2.
Nearly 3.5 million people now work in these fields in the US, with 1 million of them centred in the US southern states, a region dominated by the Republicans.
Clean energy jobs grew by 4.5% last year nearly twice as fast as overall employment growth and account for one in 16 jobs created nationally. New roles in energy efficiency led the way, followed by increase in jobs in the renewable energy sector such as wind, and solar, electric car manufacturing, and battery and electric grid upgrades.
Kamala Harris has attacked Trump for surrendering on the climate crisis as well as in the US attempts to compete with China who has emerged as the leader of clean energy manufacturers.
If a Trump administration comes into power, the future of air pollution regulations set by the EPA or the Environmental Protection Agency under Joe Biden’s presidentship will face threat as it is likely to be replaced by Trump’s advisors. It can be proved by the statement of Trump where he spoke, “One of the things that is so bad for us is the environmental agencies, they make it impossible to do anything.”