Is brake pad dust more harmful to human health than exhaust emissions?

Microscopic particles emitted from brake pads can be more toxic than exhaust emissions, according to a recent study published in the journal Particle and Fibre Toxicology. This research highlights that pollution from cars may not be completely eradicated even if EVs are adopted.
The researchers found that a higher concentration of copper in some commonly used brake pads is putting harmful pressure on humans’ lungs, because of the particles being inhaled in. These emissions are largely unregulated by legislation.
Exposure to pollution generated by automobiles has been linked to an increased risk of lung and heart diseases. Past attention has mainly concentrated on exhaust emissions. Industry leaders should also pay attention to particles released from tyres, roads and brake pads.
Dr James Parkin, lead author of the study, highlighted: “People generally associate pollution from cars as being from exhaust pipes and think of electric vehicles as having zero emissions.” Keep an eye out for more details.