
5 notable elections in 2024 likely to determine if humanity can correct its trajectory of climate action

This year, people in five of the biggest carbon-emitting regions – the US, India, Indonesia, Russia and the EU – go to the polls. The territories represent one-third of the global population and about a similar proportion of human-made carbon emissions.

Results from the aforementioned elections are capable of determining if humanity can mend its current trajectory of climate action. Current policies are likely to result in a dangerous global heating of about 2.7 degrees Celsius by 2100, as per Climate Action Tracker.

The prediction substantially surpasses the 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels target set by the 2015 Paris Agreement. It appears 2024 is on the path of becoming a relatively more important year. Read on for a better insight into the political situation.

Check out: 2024 elections could affect climate action

Let’s examine emissions (tonnes of carbon dioxide) and population in the 5 territories.


Emissions: 5.06 billion

Population: 340 million


Emissions: 2.83 billion

Population: 1.4 billion


Emissions: 729 million

Population: 278 million


Emissions: 1.65 billion

Population: 144 million


Emissions: 2.76 billion

Population: 448 million

US presidential election 2024

US President Joe Biden’s (Democrat) likely main opponent in the upcoming November election, former President Donald Trump (Republican), remains hostile to government action on climate and could even pull the country out of the Paris deal – for a second time – as per Nature.

India election trajectory

India is the third biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, but is also the most populous country on the planet. Nonetheless, climate action is likely not high on the agenda in the upcoming general elections. Instead, the priority appears to be on energy security to meet demand.

Indonesia election results

Indonesians voted on February 14 for a new president and legislature. Though votes are still being counted, the majority of the voters look to have chosen a leader who promised continuity with the policies of Joko Widodo, the outgoing president. Experts don’t anticipate much change.

Russia election and Ukraine war

Russia is expected to hold its presidential election over three days between March 15 and 17. But the invasion of Ukraine and economic sanctions are likely to hinder future climate action in the notable GHG emitter, says Marianna Poberezhskaya at Nottingham Trent University.

European Parliament election in 2024

Over 4 days from June 6 to 9, citizens across 27 countries in the EU are expected to elect 720 politicians to the European Parliament for 5 years. But experts are concerned as polling indicates a sharp move towards parties on the right that are less focused on climate action.

Ana Varghese

Ana is an accomplished writer with a passion for storytelling. Her words have the power to captivate and inspire, drawing readers into worlds both familiar and fantastical. With a knack for crafting compelling narratives, she weaves tales that linger in the imagination long after the last page is turned.

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