
5 Creatures Likely to Survive The Climate Change

The Earth is getting warmer. This is called climate change. Many animals will have a hard time because of this. But some animals might do better. Let’s look at five animals that might do well as the Earth gets warmer.

1. Jellyfish


Jellyfish are soft-bodied animals living in water; maybe they just like warmer water. Scientists studied eight kinds of jellyfish and found that seven of them could live in more places if the water gets warmer. One type of jellyfish called the lion’s mane jellyfish, might have three times as many babies. That might change how other animals in the ocean live.

2. Bullfrogs

bull frog

Bullfrogs are big, well-known frogs with great jumping ability. They can easily inhabit numerous places. With the rise in temperature of the Earth, bullfrogs may find more habitats. This is harmful to other frogs and small animals since bullfrogs are voracious eaters and often infect other animals with diseases. They may spread to new places in South America, South Korea, and Canada.

3. Wild Pigs

5 Creatures to Survive The Climate Change,Creatures to Survive The Climate Change,Climate Change

Feral swine are also known as wild pigs. They may prefer warmer climates because of food availability. Wild pigs exist in most of the United States. They are very destructive to farmlands and forests besides making other animals ill. With the increasing temperature, the number of wild pigs may increase.

4. Spotted Lanternflies


Spotted lanternflies are insects that originated from a foreign land. They have propagated and are currently affecting several parts of the US. In case the weather gets warmer, such bugs may live longer and procreate more. They damage plants and trees. The people may be facilitating the spread of such bugs by unknowingly carrying them in their automobiles and trains.

5. Mosquitoes


These small insects feed on human and animal blood. They infect humans and animals. Under warmer conditions, mosquitoes can live a bit longer and produce more offspring. Maybe they will spread to other areas. That means maybe there might be more sick people from the bites.

Some species will do better than others with a warming Earth. All the animals we have been talking about live in a lot of places and eat a lot of things. They also have a lot of babies. This means that when the climate changes, they might do pretty well. This would be bad for other animals and people. It is important to learn how climate change is affecting all living things.

READ MORE : Can climate cafes help ease fear of environmental doom?

Ana Varghese

Ana is an accomplished writer with a passion for storytelling. Her words have the power to captivate and inspire, drawing readers into worlds both familiar and fantastical. With a knack for crafting compelling narratives, she weaves tales that linger in the imagination long after the last page is turned.

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